Monday, April 2, 2007

egghead flashbacks

Ah, eggheads. They bring back such wonderful memories of a confusing time, made confusing by the sudden appearance of this "art" all over campus my senior year. When I left Davis I thought I'd seen the last of them too, but no. I'll get back to them.

Yesterday morning the girls and I felt like going somewhere totally unique, so we decided on...a park. It takes quite a bit of talent to be this shockingly original day after day, you know. I got some new sand toys for them recently and they wanted to bust them out.

A little sand between the toes, a little down the diaper, a little thrown in your sisters' faces, and you've got the makings of a fun morning. Add a little tire swinging for good measure and when you smile like this you nearly guarantee than mom will overlook the sandbox mischief and agree to take you back home again.

In the afternoon Grandma came over with the most elaborate easter-egg-decorating setup I'd ever seen. The girls certainly are lucky to have such a wonderful Grandma to plan such fun projects. There were markers, yarn, beads, crinkled paper, sequins, glitter, shimmery thread, and I'm not sure what else. Erin woke up from her nap first and promptly got started with Grandma on the creative egg endeavor.

These are Erin's (on the left) and Grandma's (on the right) first two creations.

Allison and Kate got up a little while later and at first didn't take much interest in the project. Kate actually favored practicing for the upcoming rodeo for while.

But finally they decided they really were missing out on too much fun and too much of Grandma's attention, so they joined the egghead creation.

And finally an entire egghead party was complete.

So maybe you can understand how I'm having some flashbacks now, except I like this new generation of eggheads much better.

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